
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
100. The 2017 Pulley Awards
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
The 2017 Pulley Awards... The Oscars do the movies... The Baftas and Tonys do the TV... The Brits and Grammys of the Music... The Pulleys do everything in-between with Fitness and Nutrition Thrown in. We look back on 2017 to all the awards... Best Guest Worst Guest Health and fitness Fad of the year Best Machine Best Exercise Best Gym Attire Best Coffee Best Burger Joint Best Protein Bar And our most coveted 3... Best Cereal - Best Listener - Most Stupid thing. Thanks For Listening and see you in 2018.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
99. Is Your Body a Furnace? - Our Top Glute Exercises - Who Do We Follow?
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
99 not out. Dan described your body as a furnace in a recent instagram live with tom.... he could not live that down.... but seriously we talk about how your body reacts to having more energy in a surplus and the heat by product. we also give our best glute exercises we give out... as there are some questionable ones that people rate, obviously this is our own opinion! We have a chat about who we follow or have followed in the past to shape our fitness industry careers. Lastly we have a bit of a rant about the role of genetics in body composition.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
98. Christmas Advice, Exercise Selection and Medieval Torture
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
A range of topics this week... we kick off with a biscuit ranking... that was awful... awful job by toby. we give advice to what we do over the christmas period and how to adapt your training and nutrition. tom gets a bit wound up about some exercise selection and gives an outline on what should be done when you are ordering your workout. also this moved onto the talk about the magical "stabiliser" muscles... WHAT ACTUALLY ARE THEY? tom gives you an answer. lastly stupid things is literally medieval torture...

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Dean somerset from... Global Fitness Fame... and awesome Canadian joins tom and dan for a chat about.... nearly everything - where dean comes from - what he calls himself - new projects he's starting - how your anatomy dictates your movement or your clients - online training - 121 training why its great - silly things trainers have said - movement versus muscle groups - why he loves steak.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
96. Hey! You need to buy my product, not that one!
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
We sit down and talk about products that fitness pros sell... for profit... without being that ethical... either unresearched. expensive... not needed products to clients willing to believe them. we talk about the amount of load put through your joints when you are overweight, and how much that can effect your rehab. we look at Vegan Xmas dinner.... and a ridiculous stupid thing.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
95. What Kind of Online Troll Are You?
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
So the fitness and nutrition trolls were out in full force this weekend.... and not in a good way.... and just being stupid. why do people attack other online about ridiculous things??? we never will know. but we tried to help and point some fictional info followers towards the fact, which actually worked pretty well! also tom gets a bit angry about exercise selection... and dans got a new chin exercise.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Is being injury prone a real thing? we discuss all the variables that can lead to this title.... also a bit a of our option on young sports start that have sadly died in competition due to heart trauma. furthermore we discuss the scope of practice on eating disorders for the fitness industry after the recent Louis Theroux documentary. to lighten the mood we chat yogurt..... also dan and tom got teased into some trolling over the weekend... the fish took the bait.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
93. The Truth About Sugar, Ice Cream and Box Jumps?
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Two big controversial figures in health and fitness.... an thats just our stupid things on the internet segment... we chat the actual science on a box jump and why to use them and why to bloody not butcher them! dan also got teased into a sugar debate... and gladly joined me on a ice cream debate

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
92. What are you? Informed Trainer or an ill-informed "fitspo influencer"?
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
When should you assess pain with your client? when should you pass on to a clinical professional? how should you go about this? we ask if you are informed or ill informed... following the right people? playing the influencer game on social media.... who wears a corset when training? how do we track our clients progress? oh an joe wicks ate a chocolate bar...

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
91. Picking Your Coach and CPD - (stupid things extended edition)
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Developing our fitness, nutrition and coaching skills should be ongoing, but at what point do you start looking at yourself and your business systems? picking your coach or choosing the right trainer can be tough, so we share what we would do when picking a coach... my goodness... stupid stuff all around... from poliquin to blindfolds to Ktape to DNA fitness... we have it all folks