
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
50. The Pulley Awards
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
The Pulleys! The First award show... covering all the important fitness... and not so fitness topics of the year. The Awards are as follows - - Best Guest - Worst Guest - Best Protein Bar - Worst Training Fad - Best Machine Based Exercise - Best Free Weight Exercise - Best Gym Attire - Best Coffee House - Best - Bad Coffee - Best Burger Joint - Best Cereal And the 2 most important .. Best Listnener and Most Stupid thing of the year,

Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
49. How do you Progress? - Christmas Nutrition
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
So in a recent semina - tom got ask a question on how he devises his progressions. most of his progressions in mind fall into a technical - mechanical - movement progression... but just how many ways can we progress an exercise? Dan gives his view on what should be happening in the christians holidays with your nutrition. and a couple of old favourites have riled us in stupid things on the internet.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
48. Size Versus Strength?
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
This week we argue about the importance of both size and strength... why tom sucks at high reps.. why dan is just weak... How important is muscle growth for strength gains? we look over what percentages to use, will they match up with your ranges. what muscle fibre types are in use, can you focus on both or do you have to pick one?? we answer a listener question about triathlons and endurance training in general Dan goes off on stupid things.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
47. Starting Your Lean Bulking and Gain Phase - Thoughts on Level 2/3 PT Courses
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
We start off discussing why tom went as a client for his own client... He participated in his clients level 2 fitness coaching exam - mainly so he could see what people are tested for how the instruction was given ... and how we could make it better!!! we move on to discuss lean bulking and lean gaining for physique and strength athletes. and some thing about Instagram is on stupid on the internet this week - well not Instagram but ... something that pops up frequently on it

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
46. My First Powerlifting Comp - Stupid Things Extended Edition
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Dan is back from his travels - Tom competes in his first powerlifting event - Stupid things goes crazy as dan has been away for 3 weeks... We learn what dan has been up to, keeping everything in check Tom talks about the Highs and the Lows of the first comp he entered - What was Good - What was Bad - Improvements? Stupid things... Where do we start ... Green Tea Health benefits Waist Trimmer Belts Flat Whites Angry Vegans not tracking Tracking Cortisol Try to stick to what your an expert in... and if you go out of your comfort zone, make sure its dam right!

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
45. Steve Hall - Flexible Dieting AND Flexible Training?
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Joined by Steve Hall, this week tom and steve, with dan having one more week travelling around... sit down to discuss a couple of things Steve is the founder of Revive Stronger, and also has his own podcast! Flexible dieting - what our definition is? Good Practice and Bad Practice, common failings and who should be doing it. Flexible training - what do we mean? who should be doing it? will it make much of an impact to me? how we can be smart! For all stoves followers... we find out, gravy or icing powerlifting or bodybuilding Favorite exercise favorite machine worst exercise given to a client who to follow in the industry Lastly he joins the game of stupid things on the internet this week... our favourite bane guys are back... and steve has his own...

Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
What is it like to be an online client? Both Tom and Dan are online coaches and are online clients. but we decided to bring on a client with no background in fitness to talk about the experience of online coaching to give the a great perspecticve on the whole journey. We learn - How did he hear about it? What made him approach his coach? How were his expectations managed? How did a coach help nutritionally, training and lifestyle? What to look for in a coach? What is a coach looking for in a client? How was the whole things set out? Week to Week - Month to Month Why Online? not real life? How Much should you pay? What could be improved about the whole process?

Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
43. Will Downing - A Coaching Journey From Athletic Performance to Rehab
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Our Guest is Will Downing - - Strength and Conditioning and Sports Rehabber. Find out - - Why make the switch to more rehab - how to train general populations like athletes - how to rehab general pop - life in academia - formal education? - anatomy in motion - Grey Institute - trying knew things and experimenting to progress

Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
42. Tom Mans - How to take the Plunge - Employed to Self-Employed Trainer
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Our guest Tom Mans is a former Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Manager and now a Self Employed Personal Trainer. We discuss the transition he made from being employed to self employed. How to do it? What were his worries? Thoughts on the Online and Private Training Industry? Pointers he has for starting out in both Programming Picking and recognising your demographic and he has a beard... and the least mobile shoulders in the world... Stupid things - Pre Workouts and PT Exams

Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
41. Life Gets in the Way - Starting Your Offseason Bodybuilding Plan
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Life gets in the way ... or Dan is a massive flake... try and count how many times tom makes fun of dan during the show... if theres more than 10 it might be a new record. So, prep for dans last show of the season had to end as he cannot do the show due to work / life commitments. we breakdown what he should be doing in both of our opinions with his training and nutrition from now and the real start of his offseason in 4-5 weeks. The Internet just keeps giving - Cool things - Ray Williams' Squat and Bane masks...???? Stupid Things - Apple Cider Vinegar - Magazine Covers - Fake Sugar