
Wednesday May 23, 2018
120. Further Learning of Fitness Pro's - Win, Place, Show - Condiments...
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
We delve into the life of trainers... starting a discussing on when to take a holiday? and who you are responsible for when you do? why is is difficult to get away... Further education and training systems... that Tom has used and read up on... these are movement screening systems, corrective rationales, training systems and more! all great stuff. hear the review on all of them! lastly... Win Place Show... Condiments

Wednesday May 16, 2018
119. Do You Love, Like or Hate Training? - BodyPower 2018 Review!
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Well do you? its easy to say you love training, and for sure at times we do, but also at times its just a like... an maybe even a hate... also we review Bodypower...that Tom didn't turn up to. lastly we discuss some diet drinks, bad habits... and stupid things

Thursday May 10, 2018
118. Real Talk - You Need To Lose Weight
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
...opening a can of worms.... having a the conversation about losing weight can be the toughest one of all, when will it become socially acceptable to talk about it and "point it out" to a friend? just as maybe someone is "a bit skinny" or "very muscly" is this the same thing? let us know!

Wednesday May 02, 2018
117. Ross Edgley - The World's Fittest Man?
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Top Episode right here! Ross Edgely joins Tom and Dan for a chat about his new book, "the worlds fittest book". discovering whats inside and what can you get from it! also ross is mental... he has swam towing a tree for over 30 hours.... completed the strongman marathon.... completed the TREEathlon... also introduced us to the best burger possibly ever.... must listen

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
116. Career Switch? - Easy Ways To Set Yourself Apart From Other Trainers
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
we chat switching career to the fitness industry after having a previous career... maybe finding fitness later in life than some others! but loving it! also we give some tips on how to set yourself apart from other trainers... and to make sure you clean up on clients. further into the show we had a have a giggle at some online content that was just plain funny... an not for the right reasons!

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
we dive straight into dans refeed... and his diet brain. what is happening leading up to his shoot? how many carbs? what does his intake look like? also the leading question... how long should we expect to train or commit to see progress or get to our goal. why have successful people stayed with us for over 3 years... why have people left us after 3 months?

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
114. Is Your Heart Rate Tracker Lying? - How Young is too Young to Start Training?
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
We look into some research, as by popular demand... you guys like that... so, 8 of the best heart rate activity trackers, we discuss the accuracy of them all. and what you should be doing with them. the next bit is how young is too young to start training? Pre-adolence? Puberty? Teenager? adult? lastly what is happening at the hip when knee flexion happens in a squat... form 30 degrees... to 105 degree knee flexion. oh... and we have some poor cereal choices...

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
113. Top 5's of Dieting and Bulking
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Top 3's and 5's Top 5 dieting foods... Top 5 bulking games... Top 3 strength, Hypertrophy and anything else... exercises... Top 5 diet drinks and deserts... oh an its dans birthday enjoy

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
112. Worst Fitness Advice You Have Ever Heard - Should you ever stop coaching?
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Whats the best Egg Preparation? What are some of the worst bits of advice we have heard and you guys have heard? from coaches and clients. Some bad nutrition in crossfit.... and we have the 7 worst exercises ever to do.... that we only agree with 2. enjoy

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
111. Andrea Valdez - Coaching, Competing and Everything Else
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Andrea Valdez from Uni... all the way to now... We discuss pretty much everything that makes andrea a great person in our industry, Uni education, physique coaching and competing The GRID?!?!!? how has her training evolved from then until now? enjoying your training. coping after a competition ... the 2 years to get back to eating "normally" whats the future... what podcasts does she do... who is the best out of the 3dmj guys oh an what does eat...