
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
40. Pro's and Con's of Group Training - KFC VS Body Coach - The Breakfast Edition
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
classes - Group Training - whatever you call it... loads are available, should your clients go to them? do you want to teach them? whats good? whats bad? what can we giggle at? KFC - Joe Wicks - Herbalife Whats not to like about a discussion about all those 3 things!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
39. Nutrient Timing, Programming and How to Manipulate a Body Fat Scan
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
1550kcal is not a lot... this is what dan is on now, so nutrient timing has become a factor that needs to be seriously considered for training. we give some ideas on programming for guys in our same situations, Tom decides to have some fun and manipulate and rig the results from an in body scan, to show how easy it is to change them. stupid things... real life... metabolism buttons. internet... Fusion!

Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
38. Luke Worthington - Postural Restoration Institute - Whats Coming?
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Joined by a coach by the name of Luke Worthington - Luke discusses his speciality of PRI - He is part of the postural restoration institute. We talk ... well listen to how neural pathways can be opened, breathing can be used better with performance and rehab and how the industry needs to stand up and take note of all the cool stuff coming our way. Stupid things on the internet ... we have 3...

Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
37. Hormones in training and our "advice" on them...
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
So tom and dan have been asked to talk about hormones for clients, and what advice trainers should give... Refer... we don't want to know, "disclaimer" we both have hormones but we do not have any background in studying them. dan talk about whats happening at fitness leisure industry week. Stupid things - ab posers Cool things - Dr Andy Galpin

Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
36. Nutrition Versus Training, What's More Important?
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
The same question your client has asked you for years... Nutrition or training? what is actually more important??? We look whats more important for each different goal... Guess who argues on each... Tom talks about his workshop with his coach big john clark Stupid and Cool things on the internet - Rep maxes for Lateral raises?

Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
35. My First Physique Show
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Dan's First Show. We... well... Tom lets Dan get everything off his chest about the weekend and the first show he has done. emotional stuff! Think that this is personal to dan, and a great highlight. Stupid things - Rice is not Plastic and Deadlifts for general population... Cool things - Nice Visuals!!!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
BIG SHOW We discuss what dan is going through with team box during his and their peak weeks for competition this coming weekend. Learning whats happening in training, nutrition... waxing... spray tans... Tom dives into programming for bodybuilders and how their is a lack of focus in many peoples training. We touch on joint loading we give a great Instagram feed to follow... and we defend the body coach.... no really we do.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
33. Tips For Starting Out In The Industry
Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
Can you tell dan wasn't in 2 shows... as he treats us to whats inside dans mind! We give our tips and takeaways for starting out in the industry - Speaking about starting in - - Professional Football - Personal Training - Online Coaching Also we give a shout out to Stephen Box, one of our old guests, for winning some comps. and certain meal plans come into stupid things...

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
32. Real Holiday Nutrition and Strong Mind, Strong Body Workshop Review
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Dans Back! After his two week hiatus, dan has come back to the podcast, realising he needs tom in his life... haha We discuss the strong mind and strong body workshop tom went on a couple of weeks back, by tony gentilcore and Dr lisa lewis. Dan talks about being away for an extended period of time and dealing with the nutritional aspect whilst on prep. Stupid and Cool things on the internet rounds of a great show.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
With Dan Still off in the continent, Tom digs back into his contacts for another awesome guest. This week World Class athlete, Trainer and Coach Andrew Casey Johnston joins Tom to chat about Sports Specific Training. Prepping For Powerlifting with your training What Education for trainers do we recommend? and Stupid and Cool things on the internet this week